9 Wonderful Wavy Hairstyles for Men

Looking for some wavy hair inspiration? Here are some eye-catching styles that’ll help you embrace your wavy hair.

Wonderful Wavy Hairstyles for Men
Photo by BojanC / Depositphotos.com

Wavy hair is a weird hair type that doesn’t get as much attention as it should.

That might be due to how tricky wavy hair can be. It’s not exactly curly, but it’s definitely not straight, so what do you do with it?

On top of that, not all wavy hair looks the same. You’ve probably seen guys with long and luscious waves on social media, but that might not be the specific kind of wavy hair that you have.

You might have thin hair that gets wavy as it grows out, or you might have coarse hair that’s wavier than the ocean. Wavy hair also tends to look messy and bulky, so you usually want to avoid that as well.

The good news is that there are plenty of hairstyles specifically for wavy hair. From short styles that tame wavy hair to longer looks that let the waves do their thing, we’ve got it all here.

Here’s the list going from the shortest hairstyle to the longest.

9 Wonderful Wavy Hairstyles for Men

Here are some wonderful wavy hairstyles in no particular order…

Brushed Back

If your hair is severely wavy and hard to deal with, you might want a shorter cut that doesn’t take as much maintenance. Thankfully, you can have your cake and eat it too with a brushed-back style like this one.