The Modest Man Spotlight: 12 Questions With Michael Stoev

Welcome to the Modest Man’s newest feature – 12 Questions With… This is a series where we place a spotlight on the Modest Men behind your favorite Instagram accounts. We ask 12 questions to get to know more about them and their style. Are you ready to feel stylishly inspired?

Without further ado, let us introduce you to Michael Stoev, also known on Instagram as @michael_stoev. 

12 Questions With Michael Stoev

1. What does your personal style say about you?

I always dress to impress, no matter what the occasion is. I always try to be at least a level and a half above everyone else. 

2. What is the one fashion rule you always break (or encourage others to break)?

Mixing and matching informal with formal clothing. For example, I like wearing jeans with a blazer.